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Yr 11 Literature: Dropbear and Living on Stolen Land

Unit 1 and 2 Literature Context and Connections

About Ambelin Kwaymullina author of Living on Stolen Land

Ambelin Kwaymullina is a First Nations writer and illustrator who comes from the Palyku people of the Pilbara region of Western Australia. Ambelin tells stories across a range of forms, including poetry, short stories, essays, young adult novels, and picture books (but please note that this website is only for her works of creative fiction). Ambelin is a previous winner of the Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards and the Aurealis Award. Read more

Reviews of Living on Stolen Land

References to media on this page: Ambelin Kwaymullina. (2023) [Photograph]. University of Western Australia.

Other resources


 (n.d.) [Video file]. Glee Books.